
Results 14 issues of RickoNoNo3

We contributors may know, in China's special network environment, it has a high demand and a wide range of needs to use the leaf (or like) proxy configuration tools. Based...

I've looked for the React wrapper for WinBox.js, the only search result does not support the full functions of WinBox, it just creates a window and leaves its hands out...

## Run `react-native info` in your project and share the content. ``` System: OS: macOS 11.4 CPU: (4) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7360U CPU @ 2.30GHz Memory: 100.41 MB / 8.00...

## 你的运行环境 * 插件版本: jcore 2.0.2 jpush 2.9.1 * react-native 版本: 0.64.1 ## 期望效果 Demo中`App.js`有如下init用法: https://github.com/jpush/jpush-react-native/blob/2aa7f9022b14df8a1b2f822edcd94f944707bb4f/example/App.js#L55 ## 实际效果 在TypeScript环境下,`jpush-react-native`包中的`index.d.ts`对init方法有如下参数类型定义: https://github.com/jpush/jpush-react-native/blob/c33ebfcef15467c8fde598e9faf8fd70b6b9ccf2/index.d.ts#L57-L67 **容易看出,Demo中的init方法调用在TypeScript环境下是无法跑通的,存在两个问题:** - **`channel`参数不存在,而有一个叫`titchannelle`的参数未被传递** - **`production`参数只接受boolean类型,却传了数值1** --- 另外`index.d.ts`中对init方法的注释与实际的类型定义是不匹配的——注释与Demo里的用法一致,而与TS定义冲突,两段话各说各的,不知道该听谁的 ## 重现步骤 不需要...

#### Overview of the Issue Error when use Golang client. It seems like the CA certification is opened by default? But I don't have any configuration for it. #### Reproduction...


根据文档用例中的描述,建议将ICommonPickerProps接口中的PickerData类型改为: ```ts type PickerDataBase = string | number type PickerDataGroup = {[k:string]: PickerDataBase[] | PickerDataGroup} pickerData: PickerDataBase[] | PickerDataBase[][] | PickerDataGroup ```

经过对此项目的研究,我发现CommonPicker才是最低层的可以由用户正常访问并使用的组件,WheelPicker并不是为使用这个组件库的用户服务的,而仅仅是组件内部的一个“工具组件”。 在这种情况下,在文档中介绍WheelPicker,并且把WheelPicker作为模块的默认导出,不是一个开箱即用友好型的策略。 我建议把它从文档里彻底删去,并取消export。

### Please search before asking - [X] I searched in the [issues](https://github.com/yetone/openai-translator/issues) and found nothing similar. ### Please read README - [X] I have read the troubleshooting section in the...


in v0.2.6, a winbox without special configurations will take the calculation results of the viewport as `maxwidth` and `maxheight` attributes. We assume that its size is *unlimited* and is just...

feature request