Obvious corollary to * This would be part of proactively and automatically running services more transparently. Consider avoiding clutter making the material accessible, but not too prominent, as we...
This is a new feature request for the ability to make scheduled/repeat FOI requests. Sometimes during research one finds out about a meeting / event in the future which one...
The admin page for my account and the /user/WhatDoTheyKnow account take 10-15 seconds to load. Both my account and /user/WhatDoTheyKnow have lots of annotations on them. I've noticed this particularly...
Currently citations / "in the news" links can be added by * admins * requesters on their own requests and they can only be added in bulk by developers. Ideas:...
Support making requests under pseudonyms via an account with a username corresponding to a real name
We've had cases where users have made requests under pseudonyms, but have then published the results of their work under their real names. Perhaps we need to deal with this...
At we get occasional support requests asking us to re-open request threads which have been closed to further correspondence in cases where the case has been appealed to the...
This is a suggestion to track, in the system, cases where material has been hidden from public view, but on which a decision on republication has not yet been made....
Idea arising while recruiting/inducting a new administrator. #2697 Increase security of superuser accounts
Currently on WhatDoTheyKnow we tag forthcoming bodies and we list them without an email address. The new feature which added a tag and notes to bodies missing email addresses...
If we published how much material is temporarily hidden and how long it has been in that state that might create an added incentive to deal with such cases more...