Ok so I just recently modded my Switch and thought "Hmm, maybe a randomizer will make this game tolerable" so naturally I used the latest available build of pkNX to...
Ok so I was making some pretty good progress on my randomizer but then the game started freezing when I tried to enter the hidden cove in the beach area,...
Ok so I just talked to impa, went to haterno, did that quest, came back, and she told me to go back to haterno, wtf? No second quest for the...
So as the title implies I'm simply curious can I run this randomizer on a modded switch with a botw cartridge?
Ok so things like pepper bushes, enemy camps, hell even random rocks will just sometimes take a while to load in, to the point where I can't move Link for...
Ok so my members card is behind black beast chest and I'm doing an entrance randomizer, the second I opened the black beast chest and the card appeared, the game...