Remi Gau

Results 444 comments of Remi Gau

I would say that you should go ahead and that things will be adapted "fairly smoothly" (famous last words) when pybids relies on the schema for indexing. feel free to...

> It's worth noting that there are already a bunch of functions in pybids that can probably do much of the work; e.g., theres a `BIDSLayout.write_to_file()` method that takes arbitrary...

Should probably make mention of this:

Is that still an issue? Seems that doc is now deployed by GH actions but the latest doc version says 0.13.2.

Thanks for the PR and joining me in the "joyful" process of editing those config file manually. So I think the assumption is partly right. The config can help parse...

Yeah I am having some thoughts to maybe move towards using configurations for bids matlab so that would be useful for that reason too.

> > > > @Remi-Gau and @VisLab, funny you should mention this, I've [started working on such a repo]( (although it's python-focused), but it's still in a very early stage....

@GalBenZvi If you want to look at the tests for new configs on bids examples datasets

> I'm actually kind of lost here... It seems that the current configuration isn't able to reconstruct paths of fmriprep's outputs.\nI was thinking about parsing these outputs to their entities...

here is how the "skipping of non covered entities" is done in another test