@mobileexpert1 @maximilianlembke Did you solved it?
I didn't know there is no support anymore. Does anyone know why? It works without issues on RN 64 in production
Any update on this? Can we have something like "headerTopInsetEnabled" from React Navigation V5 back? Edit: After wrapping my App with `` from react-native-safe-area-context it does not jump anymore (no...
This project should be marked as deprecated long time ago
Probably a bot troll, just ignore it
It's still not fixed by Apple, so I used while + check in redux-saga: ``` let result = yield call(check, PERMISSIONS.IOS.APP_TRACKING_TRANSPARENCY); if (result === RESULTS.DENIED) { // The permission has...
> I gitclean'd my workspace: > > ```shell > git clean -fxd > yarn install > cd ios > pod install > ``` > > and it worked 💥 🤯...