Christopher Sardegna

Results 29 comments of Christopher Sardegna

Last I checked, there was no way to get API keys yet.

The new API does not provide ThingSpeak IDs, so I am not sure how much of this package can be reused. I would like this package to continue to work,...

Keeping this issue open as I intend v2.0 to leverage the current API. That said, the unit tests still pass for me. I am not sure why @dulitz is receiving...

Just for clarification–the point of this library is to provide a Pythonic interface to interact with air quality data. Indexing with `JSON`/`dict` data is annoying and error prone. `KeyError`s are...

Understood. @dulitz, I know this is unrelated to this ticket, but do you know if the new API provides accurate data for your sensor? If so, that would present a...

Back on topic: I received this reply from PurpleAir regarding the new API limitations: > The data from individual sensors will update no less than every 30 seconds. As a...

Historical data is moving to BigQuery: Since BigQuery has [native support for DataFrames](, I am not sure what value this library would provide beyond wrapping bigquery, which seems redundant.

The JSON endpoint is now deprecated:

Looks good so far, but it needs to pass all of the linting and testing steps.