### Details Currently, there are no functions for SourceTV, and it would be useful if there would be at least a few. The name of the library could maybe be...
### Details `teamonly` should also be networked to the client. It would only require that it's added to the `resource/serverevents.res` file. It wouldn't break anything for clients or servers that...
### Details `debug.getregistry` should be made functions again to not break compatibility with older addons, but it should have restrictions. My idea would be to let debug.getregistry only return metatables...
### Details The NW2 System seems to break clientside, if you create the same entity twice but delayed by a few ticks and then creating an Entity that is based...
### Details Currently, only `CBaseAnimating::TestCollision` has an [Implementation](https://github.com/RaphaelIT7/obsolete-source-engine/blob/gmod/game/server/baseanimating.cpp#L2650-L2660) to support `SetModelScale` while the client is missing this. This check would need to be implemented clientside which fixes this issue. I...
### Details So in TF2, the IVEngineServer has the function [GetIServer()](https://github.com/OthmanAba/TeamFortress2/blob/master/tf2_src/public/eiface.h#L419) which returns the IServer -> `(IServer*)&sv`. It would make it far easier to get the IServer, and it would...
### Details Expose the [IClient::Reconnect](https://github.com/ValveSoftware/source-sdk-2013/blob/master/sp/src/public/iclient.h#L32) function as `Player:Reconnect`. Please also add an internal check to `IClient::Reconnect` so that Bots cannot be reconnected, because currently, if you try to reconnect a...
### Details So, if I remember correctly, Rubat said that it uses the steamclient to get the current branch of the game. Since a dedicated server doesn't have this steam...
So I noticed that I had a few broken tests when I went thru the logs and I never noticed it before. This should probably let the workflow fail or...
### Details On Linux 64x file.AsyncRead doesn't seem to be Async. My guess is that the filesystem's threadpool isn't started properly / same issue as https://github.com/Facepunch/garrysmod-issues/issues/5310 but I didn't verify...