[#] Fixed a crash in Gmod related to ConVars (Thanks to Rubat who helped me find the approximate cause of the crash) I don't exactly know why the removed delete...
[#] Fixed some engine traces failing. Related issue: fixes #128
This should help a bit with installing it. Especially with Gmod. fixes #125 (Read the [install.md](https://github.com/Joshua-Ashton/VPhysics-Jolt/blob/39509696ba19f7e65fd9cd4c38c88bc9a9761e4a/install.md))
[#] Fixed CheckCollision checking collisions even if collisions are disabled(IsCollisionEnabled = false) Related issue: fixes #164
[#] Fixed a crash Related issues: fixes #137 fixes #85
Related issue: fixes #102
Took me a bit, but I finally found `CGMODVariant` :D Edit: also just fixed a compile error with IGet. Changes: [+] Added `CGMODVariant` [#] Updated `IGMODDataTable` [#] Fixed a possible...
Added a few members to CLuaInterface and Added all members to CLuaObject with a few useful functions. While not all fields are directly useful, they could be in some cases,...
[+] Added `-lowmemory` option to write everything directly to the .gma file Reduces the needed memory to only the size of the biggest file in the entire addon. [+] Added...
### Details Currently, you cannot know which hooks `CLuaGamemode::Call`, `CLuaGamemode::CallWithArgs` and `CLuaGamemode::CallFinish` call which should be changed. They should include the hook name in Vprof which would allow one to...