
Results 6 comments of Haoran

The reasong might be this PX4 only... I am using Ardupilot, seems you are using Ardu instead of PX as well. ![Screenshot 2022-09-07 151658](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/54998917/188959786-a7f2198a-7f6b-41e6-b027-1009360a3707.png)

Yeah, I got a lot Input/Output error using APM with mavros mavftp upload

some configuration commands in this ros node are not compatible for protocal version>=27.01, and F9P is using at least 27.01, the command you sent to the F9P is not recognized...

Hi, I am using create_terrain.py and trying to upload it to drone by Mavftp, I am wondering have you fixed the issue? And how you uploaded the DAT file by...

I figured out and fixed the create_terrain issue... was on windows machine, that code does not support windows

try this with opencv3.4 and opencv contrilb python detector = cv2.xfeatures2d_SIFT.create() im1 = array(Image.open('C:\\0007.png')) keypoints1 = detector.detect(im1,None) kp1,des1 = detector.detectAndCompute(im1, None) # get all info of feature points. points2fA =...