mavros copied to clipboard
mavftp is not working
Issue details
mavftp is not working with the following command
rosrun mavros mavftp list
need help!
ROS: ?Melodic? Ubuntu: ?18.04?
Service unavailable error. Did you run mavros?
Mavros is running... Also I am running Ardupilot in Pixhawk
in this mavros wiki , i see MAVFTP is for PX4
I have Logs in my Pixhawk's SD card
As u said... even if i run "rostopic list" ..... there are no topics shown for mavftp...
If the mavftp plugin is missing in my ros-melodic... how can i add ?
rostopic echo -n1 /diagnostics header: seq: 2138 stamp: secs: 1638349177 nsecs: 621137835 frame_id: '' status:
level: 0
name: "mavros: FCU connection"
message: "connected"
hardware_id: "/dev/ttyPixhawk:115200"
key: "Received packets:"
value: "35315"
key: "Dropped packets:"
value: "0"
key: "Buffer overruns:"
value: "0"
key: "Parse errors:"
value: "0"
key: "Rx sequence number:"
value: "243"
key: "Tx sequence number:"
value: "0"
key: "Rx total bytes:"
value: "991775"
key: "Tx total bytes:"
value: "949412"
key: "Rx speed:"
value: "566.000000"
key: "Tx speed:"
value: "500.000000"
level: 2 name: "mavros: GPS" message: "No satellites" hardware_id: "/dev/ttyPixhawk:115200" values:
key: "Satellites visible" value: "0"
- key: "Fix type" value: "0"
- key: "EPH (m)" value: "Unknown"
- key: "EPV (m)" value: "Unknown"
level: 0 name: "mavros: Heartbeat" message: "Normal" hardware_id: "/dev/ttyPixhawk:115200" values:
key: "Heartbeats since startup" value: "3061"
- key: "Frequency (Hz)" value: "0.962966"
- key: "Vehicle type" value: "Quadrotor"
- key: "Autopilot type" value: "ArduPilot"
- key: "Mode" value: "STABILIZE"
- key: "System status" value: "Standby"
level: 0 name: "mavros: System" message: "Normal" hardware_id: "/dev/ttyPixhawk:115200" values:
key: "Sensor present" value: "0x00000000"
- key: "Sensor enabled" value: "0x00000000"
- key: "Sensor health" value: "0x00000000"
- key: "CPU Load (%)" value: "0.0"
- key: "Drop rate (%)" value: "0.0"
- key: "Errors comm" value: "0"
- key: "Errors count #1" value: "0"
- key: "Errors count #2" value: "0"
- key: "Errors count #3" value: "0"
- key: "Errors count #4" value: "0"
level: 2 name: "mavros: Battery" message: "No data" hardware_id: "/dev/ttyPixhawk:115200" values:
key: "Voltage" value: "-1.00"
- key: "Current" value: "0.0"
- key: "Remaining" value: "0.0"
level: 0 name: "mavros: Time Sync" message: "Normal" hardware_id: "/dev/ttyPixhawk:115200" values:
key: "Timesyncs since startup" value: "4239"
- key: "Frequency (Hz)" value: "10.000025"
- key: "Last RTT (ms)" value: "6.637244"
- key: "Mean RTT (ms)" value: "5.324947"
- key: "Last remote time (s)" value: "5581.191723000"
- key: "Estimated time offset (s)" value: "1638343596.331534863"
- /mavros/
- /mavros/cmd/use_comp_id_system_control: False
- /mavros/conn/heartbeat_mav_type: ONBOARD_CONTROLLER
- /mavros/conn/heartbeat_rate: 1.0
- /mavros/conn/system_time_rate: 1.0
- /mavros/conn/timeout: 10.0
- /mavros/conn/timesync_rate: 10.0
- /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_pub/field_of_view: 0.0
- /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_pub/frame_id: lidar
- /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_pub/id: 0
- /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_pub/send_tf: False
- /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_pub/sensor_position/x: 0.0
- /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_pub/sensor_position/y: 0.0
- /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_pub/sensor_position/z: -0.1
- /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_sub/id: 1
- /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_sub/orientation: PITCH_270
- /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_sub/subscriber: True
- /mavros/fake_gps/eph: 2.0
- /mavros/fake_gps/epv: 2.0
- /mavros/fake_gps/fix_type: 3
- /mavros/fake_gps/geo_origin/alt: 408.0
- /mavros/fake_gps/geo_origin/lat: 47.3667
- /mavros/fake_gps/geo_origin/lon: 8.55
- /mavros/fake_gps/gps_id: 4
- /mavros/fake_gps/gps_rate: 5.0
- /mavros/fake_gps/horiz_accuracy: 0.5
- /mavros/fake_gps/mocap_transform: False
- /mavros/fake_gps/mocap_withcovariance: False
- /mavros/fake_gps/satellites_visible: 6
- /mavros/fake_gps/speed_accuracy: 0.0
- /mavros/fake_gps/tf/child_frame_id: fix
- /mavros/fake_gps/tf/frame_id: map
- /mavros/fake_gps/tf/listen: False
- /mavros/fake_gps/tf/rate_limit: 10.0
- /mavros/fake_gps/tf/send: False
- /mavros/fake_gps/use_hil_gps: True
- /mavros/fake_gps/use_mocap: True
- /mavros/fake_gps/use_vision: False
- /mavros/fake_gps/vert_accuracy: 0.5
- /mavros/fcu_protocol: v2.0
- /mavros/fcu_url: /dev/ttyPixhawk:1...
- /mavros/gcs_url:
- /mavros/global_position/child_frame_id: base_link
- /mavros/global_position/frame_id: map
- /mavros/global_position/gps_uere: 1.0
- /mavros/global_position/rot_covariance: 99999.0
- /mavros/global_position/tf/child_frame_id: base_link
- /mavros/global_position/tf/frame_id: map
- /mavros/global_position/tf/global_frame_id: earth
- /mavros/global_position/tf/send: False
- /mavros/global_position/use_relative_alt: True
- /mavros/image/frame_id: px4flow
- /mavros/imu/angular_velocity_stdev: 0.0003490659 // 0...
- /mavros/imu/frame_id: base_link
- /mavros/imu/linear_acceleration_stdev: 0.0003
- /mavros/imu/magnetic_stdev: 0.0
- /mavros/imu/orientation_stdev: 1.0
- /mavros/landing_target/camera/fov_x: 2.0071286398
- /mavros/landing_target/camera/fov_y: 2.0071286398
- /mavros/landing_target/image/height: 480
- /mavros/landing_target/image/width: 640
- /mavros/landing_target/land_target_type: VISION_FIDUCIAL
- /mavros/landing_target/listen_lt: False
- /mavros/landing_target/mav_frame: LOCAL_NED
- /mavros/landing_target/target_size/x: 0.3
- /mavros/landing_target/target_size/y: 0.3
- /mavros/landing_target/tf/child_frame_id: camera_center
- /mavros/landing_target/tf/frame_id: landing_target
- /mavros/landing_target/tf/listen: False
- /mavros/landing_target/tf/rate_limit: 10.0
- /mavros/landing_target/tf/send: True
- /mavros/local_position/frame_id: map
- /mavros/local_position/tf/child_frame_id: base_link
- /mavros/local_position/tf/frame_id: map
- /mavros/local_position/tf/send: False
- /mavros/local_position/tf/send_fcu: False
- /mavros/mission/pull_after_gcs: True
- /mavros/mission/use_mission_item_int: True
- /mavros/mocap/use_pose: True
- /mavros/mocap/use_tf: False
- /mavros/odometry/estimator_type: 3
- /mavros/odometry/frame_tf/desired_frame: ned
- /mavros/plugin_blacklist: ['actuator_contro...
- /mavros/plugin_whitelist: []
- /mavros/px4flow/frame_id: px4flow
- /mavros/px4flow/ranger_fov: 0.118682
- /mavros/px4flow/ranger_max_range: 5.0
- /mavros/px4flow/ranger_min_range: 0.3
- /mavros/safety_area/p1/x: 1.0
- /mavros/safety_area/p1/y: 1.0
- /mavros/safety_area/p1/z: 1.0
- /mavros/safety_area/p2/x: -1.0
- /mavros/safety_area/p2/y: -1.0
- /mavros/safety_area/p2/z: -1.0
- /mavros/setpoint_accel/send_force: False
- /mavros/setpoint_attitude/reverse_thrust: False
- /mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/child_frame_id: target_attitude
- /mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/frame_id: map
- /mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/listen: False
- /mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/rate_limit: 50.0
- /mavros/setpoint_attitude/use_quaternion: False
- /mavros/setpoint_position/mav_frame: LOCAL_NED
- /mavros/setpoint_position/tf/child_frame_id: target_position
- /mavros/setpoint_position/tf/frame_id: map
- /mavros/setpoint_position/tf/listen: False
- /mavros/setpoint_position/tf/rate_limit: 50.0
- /mavros/setpoint_raw/thrust_scaling: 1.0
- /mavros/setpoint_velocity/mav_frame: LOCAL_NED
- /mavros/startup_px4_usb_quirk: False
- /mavros/sys/disable_diag: False
- /mavros/sys/min_voltage: 10.0
- /mavros/target_component_id: 1
- /mavros/target_system_id: 1
- /mavros/tdr_radio/low_rssi: 40
- /mavros/time/time_ref_source: fcu
- /mavros/time/timesync_avg_alpha: 0.6
- /mavros/time/timesync_mode: MAVLINK
- /mavros/vibration/frame_id: base_link
- /mavros/vision_pose/tf/child_frame_id: vision_estimate
- /mavros/vision_pose/tf/frame_id: map
- /mavros/vision_pose/tf/listen: False
- /mavros/vision_pose/tf/rate_limit: 10.0
- /mavros/vision_speed/listen_twist: True
- /mavros/vision_speed/twist_cov: True
- /mavros/wheel_odometry/child_frame_id: base_link
- /mavros/wheel_odometry/count: 2
- /mavros/wheel_odometry/frame_id: map
- /mavros/wheel_odometry/send_raw: True
- /mavros/wheel_odometry/send_twist: False
- /mavros/wheel_odometry/tf/child_frame_id: base_link
- /mavros/wheel_odometry/tf/frame_id: map
- /mavros/wheel_odometry/tf/send: True
- /mavros/wheel_odometry/use_rpm: False
- /mavros/wheel_odometry/vel_error: 0.1
- /mavros/wheel_odometry/wheel0/radius: 0.05
- /mavros/wheel_odometry/wheel0/x: 0.0
- /mavros/wheel_odometry/wheel0/y: -0.15
- /mavros/wheel_odometry/wheel1/radius: 0.05
- /mavros/wheel_odometry/wheel1/x: 0.0
- /mavros/wheel_odometry/wheel1/y: 0.15
- /rosdistro: melodic
- /rosversion: 1.14.12
NODES / mavros (mavros/mavros_node)
What is in /mavros/plugin_blacklist
@vooon in Ardupilot..........
the ftp is removed from blacklist but still
The reasong might be this PX4 only... I am using Ardupilot, seems you are using Ardu instead of PX as well.
@Rand0409 initially mavlink ftp was implemented only in PX4. Today APM also have it, but i didn't test it. Probably need to add some fixes to the plugin.
Yeah, I got a lot Input/Output error using APM with mavros mavftp upload