Benjamin Saunders

Results 187 issues of Benjamin Saunders

The spec says: > Applications should call xrBeginFrame right before executing any graphics device work for a given frame "graphics device work" is not well defined. For Vulkan, the most...

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First, background: multiview rendering broadcasts a single stream of commands to two separate layers of an array image, with shader invocations distinguished on the GPU by an index that can...

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`xrAcquireSwapchainImage` is the only function which the application must call before submitting commands that access a swapchain image which is also permitted by `XR_KHR_vulkan_enable` to access the application's graphics queue....

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The definition of XrPath states: > An XrPath that is received from one XrInstance may not be used with another. Such an invalid use may be detected and result in...

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None of the error cases described in [`xrEndFrame`]( unambiguously cover this, though `XR_ERROR_SWAPCHAIN_RECT_INVALID` seems like a good bet. Maybe add "or on an array layer that doesn't exist" to the...

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e.g. SteamVR generates numerous validation layers on startup and more every frame, causing undefined behavior and making it difficult to distinguish genuine application bugs. This could be mechanically validated by...

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Pushing every page of a complete ogg file before attempting to read any packets will result in lost packets.

Excellence in that is the main thing setting archetypal ECS layouts apart, so it's an odd omission.

Given rust's reputation in this area, it would be useful to publish how long both clean (fresh checkout) and incremental (`touch` every .rs file but don't change anything) builds of...

help wanted

Integer performance is presently quite slow because all values of Integer type are full heap-allocated boxed GMP integers. The standard optimization to use tagged pointers to unbox small integers should...