@GuideWsp What is the values of alpha mask you are feeding? Is it between 0-255 or 0-1?
Also make a check at get_valid_names() in common.py to make sure you are dealing with entire dataset at a time , in my case due to some of my carelessness...
Why do you think its a problem @Devin147 ?
Hi , i will be uploading pre trained checkpoints soon.
@gr8Adakron @innilarose Hi guys I apologise for not being able to reply on time as I was busy with my job. Can you guys try this cv2.imwrite("temp.jpg",output_image*255) ?
@innilarose can you post here your input image and input label?
if you arent using pascal then create_label.py wont work for you
We will have to create contours using some sort of edge detectors. [email protected]. Kindly mail me on this , i will help you out
Hi, It would be segmentation class.
Hi , can you visualize one of the labels with %matplotlib notebook and hover your cursor to the boundaries ? What value does it say ?