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Getting random output while training on personal data

Open gr8Adakron opened this issue 5 years ago • 8 comments

I am trying to train the model using my personal data, but the output I am getting is completely random(after saving its a pitch-black image). Sample images: lidl_0bj2vos9a1lqgfkyw58u lidl_0bj2vos9a1lqgfkyw58u lidl_0e27zx1i5ykqcjn8tf4h lidl_0e27zx1i5ykqcjn8tf4h

That's the input image and ground truth I am training on. As per the PASCAL dataset, there are multiple objects in the frame but for my dataset its just one object, which I have demonstrated using blue-pixel in GT.

My training command:

python train.py --max_to_keep=50 
  1. Train dataset: 3.5K images
  2. Validation dataset: 500 images
  3. 150 epoch took: 24hrs on NVIDIA 2080i
  4. TensorFlow-gpu==1.13.2


import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from model_contour import build_model
slim = tf.contrib.slim
flags = tf.app.flags
from tensorflow.python.ops import variables
from utils import random_crop_and_pad_image
import os
import cv2
import time

flags.DEFINE_integer('eval_crop_size', 480,
                           'Image crop size [height, width] for evaluation.')

flags.DEFINE_string('checkpoint', 'data/INTERNAL/log/model.ckpt-478439',
                    'The initial checkpoint in tensorflow format.')

flags.DEFINE_string('image_dir', 'data/INTERNAL/JPEGImages/',
                    'The Image Directory.')

                    'Path to folder where predictions will be saved.')

flags.DEFINE_string('eval_text', 'data/INTERNAL/val.txt',
                    'The Path to the text file containing names of Images and Labels')###This text file should not have extensions in their names such as 8192.png or 8192.jpg instead just the name such as 8192

Image_directory = 'data/INTERNAL/JPEGImages/'
def load(saver, sess, ckpt_path):
    saver.restore(sess, ckpt_path)
    print("Restored model parameters from {}".format(ckpt_path))
image_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8,[1,None,None,3],name='image_placeholder')
print("Eager executions")
size = FLAGS.eval_crop_size

image_shape = tf.shape(tf.squeeze(image_ph))
image = tf.squeeze(image_ph)
crop_h   = size
crop_w   = size
pad = tf.image.pad_to_bounding_box(image, 0, 0, tf.maximum(crop_h, image_shape[0]), tf.maximum(crop_w, image_shape[1]))    
last_image_dim = tf.shape(image)[-1]
img_crop = tf.random_crop(pad, [crop_h,crop_w,3])
img_crop.set_shape((crop_h, crop_w, 3))

norm_image = tf.image.per_image_standardization(tf.squeeze(image))
norm_image = tf.expand_dims(norm_image,dim=0)
pred = build_model(norm_image)
restore_var =  tf.trainable_variables()
pred = tf.nn.sigmoid(pred)
loader = tf.train.Saver(var_list=restore_var)

init = variables.global_variables_initializer()
with tf.Session() as sess: 
    load(loader, sess, FLAGS.checkpoint)
    f = open(FLAGS.eval_text,'r')
    message = f.read()
    lines = message.split('\n')
    for l in lines:
        #try :    
        input_image = cv2.imread(Image_directory+l+'.jpg')
        P= sess.run(pred, feed_dict=feed_dict)
        output_image = P[0]
        # except:
        #     print("ERROR")








OUTPUT image after saving using cv2.imwrite: temp

gr8Adakron avatar Feb 08 '20 07:02 gr8Adakron

@Raj-08 any help would be appreciated, thanks.

gr8Adakron avatar Feb 08 '20 07:02 gr8Adakron

Hello @Raj-08 even i am facing the same issue,I would like to know how to resolve it. Thanks.

innilarose avatar May 05 '20 07:05 innilarose

@gr8Adakron @innilarose Hi guys I apologise for not being able to reply on time as I was busy with my job.

Can you guys try this

cv2.imwrite("temp.jpg",output_image*255) ?

Raj-08 avatar May 06 '20 01:05 Raj-08

Hai @Raj-08, I tried the above and i am getting an output image like: Portrait_img_1

Is this problem related to my checkpoint file?

innilarose avatar May 06 '20 07:05 innilarose

@innilarose can you post here your input image and input label?

Raj-08 avatar May 06 '20 13:05 Raj-08

@Raj-08 I am training the model with custom dataset of 200 images and 200 label images. I am not using PASCAL dataset. The input image: Portrait_img_26

The label image: Portrait_img_26

I am storing the results in log directory. I am using another image for evaluation in eval.py. I have provided the checkpoint path from the checkpoint.txt file. Evaluation input image: Portrait_img_7

Output: Portrait_img_7

innilarose avatar May 06 '20 14:05 innilarose

if you arent using pascal then create_label.py wont work for you

Raj-08 avatar May 06 '20 16:05 Raj-08

We will have to create contours using some sort of edge detectors. [email protected]. Kindly mail me on this , i will help you out

Raj-08 avatar May 06 '20 16:05 Raj-08