Easiest way would be to just have a few preset files and allow picking between them somehow. Not sure if this should use the owml mod settings though, since that...
Right now the only indicator is the white brackets that overlay the camera screen. And after taking a picture, those are gone.
Similar to what we're doing with the handheld tool buttons
Loud sounds in the video, be prepared: GH video upload doesn't seem to work well, here it is: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KeFYWqOAqiV4RDicHjEKCxtKrO3cAUAp/view?usp=sharing https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3955124/141372016-c2989ecb-0491-4a9e-bf7e-399997029d11.mp4
rotation around the up and right axes is expected, but around forward axis is not
Happens while opening / closing the door. Good look debugging that lol
Vibrate only relevant hand when doing things. - [ ] Probe / other tools on right hand - [ ] Black hole pulsing - [ ] Orbs on right hand...
To make it easier to join in VR