Kemal Afzal

Results 12 issues of Kemal Afzal

See here: > @andreaferretti whay are there ref types? I made sure that you don't need ref types for the interfaces. > >Aparently the inteface libary has been spoiled...

This issue seems to be very weird. For some reason textures with a size of 32\*8 pixels display wrongly. Instead of the right 16*8 pixels it reads from something else...

If you're working with multiple files, sooner or later you run into the situation where the changes in one module aren't displayed in another module which imports it. The reason...

As stated [here]( it was originally envisioned that Nim users can configure there IDE so that it shows them identifiers in the way they like(Pascal/Camel, Snake case, …). Yesterday I...

I found this passage of the code very interesting: ```typescript decreaseIndentPattern: /^\s*(((return|break|continue|raise)\n)|((elif|else|except|finally)\b.*:))\s*$/ ``` I assume the `(return|break|continue|raise)\n` should decrease the identation in the next line, when the user types return,...

Ok this is going to be as bad, but hear me out. I'm working on a relatively large project and nimsuggest is really slow (or doesn't work at all). So...

I wonder why you are using makefiles with Nim. They're certainly useful with C/C++ where building is separated into the compilation of individual files, followed by linking. But with Nim...

Everytime the sug command is triggered in my project, after a `.` character(regardless of the type, of identifier, before it) nimsuggest crashes. Every other nimsuggest feature seems to work. I...

```nimrod | let x = 0 | let y = 0 | ``` When the cursor is located where the first | is, both x and y are suggested. When...