Will Son
Will Son
As long as the pi speaker works, you don't need additional speaker amp to amplify the sound. The LED should be carefully connected. The longer pin is Anode(+), and the...
Hi @Smitty-44 Sorry I didn't have enough time to take a closer look this week. I'll review on this next week and get back to you if it is okay...
Hi, The walking motion is controlled by the op3_walking_module package. In order to modify the walking behavior, you can tune parameters. Please refer to below emanual for detailed instructions. https://emanual.robotis.com/docs/en/platform/op3/robotis_ros_packages/#op3_walking_module...
Hi @susJohnny I'm sorry about the delayed response. The Noetic version of Autorace can be found in the below https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3_autorace_2020 and the documentations are : https://emanual.robotis.com/docs/en/platform/turtlebot3/autonomous_driving/#autonomous-driving
@cheythomas TurtleBot3 examples are working under Kinetic and specifically with TurtleBot3 platform. In order to make them work with a custom robot, you may need to modify the source code....
Is the ar_marker detected and calculated correctly on the Rviz 3D screen as shown in the below? https://youtu.be/dvpWdrD3bVs?t=67
No, you cannot use 19V as OpenCR does not regulate the input voltage to supply power to 12V DYNAMIXEL. https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/OpenCR/issues/276
Hi, Some 3rd party ROS packages may not support ROS Melodic as you mentioned. Since OP3 depends on several 3rd party Kinetic packages, it is recommended to use with Kinetic....
@keep9oing Thanks for the PR. Creating and running ROS on conda environment can cause python interpreter issues such as rospkg import error, but we'll see if there's a better way...
@umtkm Thank you for your contribution! This will be merged after the Noetic OpenCR firmware is released very soon.