
Results 7 issues of RNieuwenhuis

Hi, I have used hifiasm successfully several times in the past. However lately I am running into some strange behaviour. The subject I am trying to assemble is half the...

As discussed in #65 I generalized the `middle_one_away` function to make parallelization possible. It is rebuilt as `get_pairs_at_pos` function and is now deterministic. Thus it contains a fix for #70...

**What did you do** I ran `smudgeplot.py hetkmers -o Test_middle --middle K_mer_kmc_db_k_21_L15_U220.dump` 4 times in a row on [this](https://filesender.surf.nl/?s=download&token=ca313237-d837-4725-9a5f-9897ac5df43b) 2.5gb dump file. ` wc -l Test_middle_?_coverages.tsv` gives ``` 659425 Test_middle_1_coverages.tsv...


Dear author, First: thanks for creating and maintaining this tool as it seems the only properly working alternative for liftover. I did liftover of both a vcf and bam file...

Dear author, I would like to use Emerald to align my 10X genomics reads to a reference. After reading the README and the issues page I am confused about the...

Default settings has read density optimization switched off, while the rdo is highlighted as an important feature in the publication. Why?

Added ClassPro for conda installation ---- Please read the [guidelines for Bioconda recipes](https://bioconda.github.io/contributor/guidelines.html) before opening a pull request (PR). ### General instructions * If this PR adds or updates a...

please review & merge