Romain Lesur

Results 36 issues of Romain Lesur

Hi, I got the same bug as in #2066: the HTML file produced with `pandoc_self_contained_html()` is invalid (it begins with an opening `p` tag). Here's a reprex: ``` r library(rmarkdown)...


What a nice project! I love it! It would be great if the user could also choose a table (or a view) on a `DBI` connection.


@emilyriederer I did my best to write down something. I did that very fast: my apologies for this low quality document (sorry for the english :pray: ). I hope it...

From @cderv, in > * do we want to allow a choice ? We could have something like > > ```r > find_chrome(which = NULL) # default - use...


New templates to be used with Paged.js are available We could embed some of them in pagedown.

help wanted :heart:

For now, htmlwidgets are not rendered by `pagedown::html_paged()`. I think there are many technical challenges with this issue. The only success I've obtained is about the rendering synchronization, see


For now, Chrome supports (partially) hyphenations on Mac. There's no hyphenation support on Windows and Linux: The paged.js team uses and recommends `hyphenopoly`:


Here's a first draft for #58 After hundreds of trials and errors, I'm quite happy with these first results. I spent most of the time on the HTML/JS implementation: here,...

Here's a proposal for #33 . It uses the [Hyphenopoly.js]( library. Hyphenopoly.js integration was not straightforward for many reasons: - **Hyphenopoly.js must run first**. In our context, this means before...

In some situations, I get overflows that crash Paged.js. It seems to be related to Pandoc highlighting: when I comment on the highlighting stylesheet in the html file (or use...
