
Results 6 comments of RDaneelOlivav

![Screenshot from 2021-08-26 16-25-55](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4933774/130980869-2afb7d89-a7ba-4745-ba01-8a5b66409125.png) This is the rosgraph, if it helps

Great I'll give it a look. It seems that also I detected that when starting the ROS2 bridge the frames drop a lot. Any idea why? Becuase in other solutions...

@umhan35 I think you are confusing me with Ricardo , my boss, he was the one going to the competition ;). Have you checked the status of the controllers? Does...

Same issue here. Getting these strange artifacts when launching the yolo_v3.launch ![Screenshot from 2021-03-01 17-27-59](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4933774/109527111-9572de80-7ab3-11eb-8822-d3ef896466b4.png) Tried alsoin RVIZ and same issue. Any ideas? Is there something wrong: bool YoloObjectDetector::publishDetectionImage(const cv::Mat&...

It worked the compilation for me. The procedure I followed was: 1) Start from a clean ~/catkin_ws 2) cd ~/catkin_ws/src; git clone https://github.com/ros-industrial/universal_robot.git 3) cd ~/catkin_ws; catkin_make; source devel/setup.bash 4)...

I changed it to this: `self.add_tool_menu_item("EXP StoryFile Editor",_on_StoryFile_Editor_opened)` Not yet sure if this will work, at least doesnt give error in the syntax. Let me know if this is teh...