Riccardo Casatta

Results 66 comments of Riccardo Casatta

> though the errors may be less informative Yeah that's what I like, when `assert!(matches!())` test fails I end up printing the values before and launch tests with `--nocapture` which...

> what's wrong with > > ``` > assert_eq!(wallet.sign(&mut psbt, options), Err(Error::Signer(SignerError::InputIndexOutOfRange))) > ``` > > ? You may want to test something that doesn't `impl Eq` or do stuff...

> Change bitcoind crate to always initiate a legacy wallet explicitly if version is 23.0 or above. I am keen to change `bitcoind` crate with new features, but this looks...

Importmulti was used in rpc implementation because at that time (not sure now) not every descriptor supported by bdk was supported by core

> in blockchain_tests::TestClient, the bitcoind instance is created with txindex=1, which is required to call get_raw_transactions() in core RPC. I would like to do it without txindex as before. But...

> I'm not sure what the impact of this will be or how accurate fee and sent were before on the rpc backend. As you can see from the optionality...

IIRC bitcoin core is grinding for low R, thus always obtaining `len(signature) < 71 bytes`, thus BDK should do the same for privacy reasons ? (without optimizing fee calculation)

> TBD electrsd, bump bitcoind dependency to 0.27.0 Tried to bump the dep but at the moment I've got https://github.com/RCasatta/electrsd/issues/39 Do we need to update with bitcoin 0.29.0 also rust-electrum-client?

We should consider the option to use `getaddressesbylabel` in place of `getaccountaddress` and avoid passing the address as parameter. Theoretically labels are the accounts replacement, the only difference is that...