Riccardo Casatta

Results 66 comments of Riccardo Casatta

> > It's about 3GB, but in practice it avoids the last doubling of the utxo map saving almost 10GB! > > Thought: would sharding this one (two) maps between...

> So, I am taking the simple case, two maps, pair txindex goes in one, odd in the other. If pair and odds are uniforms, they will double almost at...

> BTW. Don't you just want to pre-allocate (and even resize) the map manually then? The problem with preallocation are: * Initial capacity is different per network (not a big...

Thanks for the comparison, that's very interesting, did you use `skip-prevout` flag in the blocks_iterator tests? > If you don't mind I'm planning to eventually copy & adapt your blk-files...

bitcoin028 branch should improve performance also, thanks to https://github.com/rust-bitcoin/rust-bitcoin/pull/672

> they are so well optimized I am very happy :)

> memory one around 200txs/s I finally had a chance to try the bench example, I got about 150000txs/s on mainnet

+1 using niels-ole https endpoint now. Cannot import old kudos :(

I am looking for a tls example like this example in python http://dev.lightning.community/tutorial/03-rpc-client/index.html