#933 also has some zeroing issues moved to one post
ok just rack and stack in here streatman is going to go over them. if someone wishes to make a simple list of ones need looking at would make it...
I like the idea but we will be limited by the engine so we cant have hot or cold. We have no way to track how long an item has...
We started tea and stuff awhile ago so adding this isn't that hard to do long as we don't do hot and cold. Sepsis is a player system not Somthing...
I don't know a hole lot about models so ill have to ask. I was always told this is a bug in the engine where objects not loaded as part...
I have a couple of models guys looking into this see if we can do anything about it
looking good coftSock
Speed we should be able to do a few tweaks, fuel is another issue that involves a loop on each vehicle. Arma has no default config system that enables fuel...
Added a prototype fuel consumption system.
Its not something we are planning to change just now maybe at a later date. Thanks