Where can i get a good tutorial to set up rapids on sparklyr ? Is not being easy ... best regards
Yes intraday would be awesome
try as https://github.com/mathpaquette/IQFeed.CSharpApiClient/blob/master/src/IQFeed.CSharpApiClient.Examples/Examples/BasicFileHistorical/BasicFileHistoricalExample.cs with lookupClient.Historical.GetHistoryIntervalDays("EURCAD.FXCM",3600,10,100) worked for me
timeframe must be in seconds ex 3600 is 1 hour
Hello, I'm amazed by this package. I installed it, everything seemed to work fine. I tried a lot of commands and it worked, but a few don't. When I try...
Sir thank you so much, this package is awesome! I Love It !
found a way by turning ToString().split() is not perfect but does the job