IQFeed.CSharpApiClient copied to clipboard
how to pass retrieved data to a readable format
Hello, trying to work with hourly data:
#retrieve iqfeed last 84 000 rows of pair by iqfeed_api
# Dynamically add IQFeed.CSharpApiClient DLL
assembly_path = r"C:\Users\xxxxx\Desktop\xxxx\iqfeed.csharpclient_dll"
import sys
# Reference IQFeed.CSharpApiClient DLL
import clr
from IQFeed.CSharpApiClient import IQFeedLauncher
# Step 1 - Run IQConnect launcher
IQFeedLauncher.Start("51xxxx", "xxxxxxxx", "xxxx9")
# Step 2 - Use the appropriate factory to create the client
from IQFeed.CSharpApiClient.Lookup import LookupClientFactory
lookupClient = LookupClientFactory.CreateNew()
# Step 3 - Connect it
# Step 4 - Make any requests you need or want!
bars = lookupClient.Historical.GetHistoryIntervalDays("EURCAD.FXCM",3600,0,1)
for bar in bars:
get me bar data:
Timestamp: 23/03/2023 12:00:00, High: 1,48943, Low: 1,48635, Open: 1,48726, Close: 1,48932, TotalVolume: 239549, PeriodVolume: 12855, NumberOfTrades: 0, RequestId:
that is type:
My problem is, how to manipulate with python (put into dict or some pandas or numpy)...
found a way by turning ToString().split()
is not perfect but does the job
toCsv() ?
@R470R missing toCsv()