add aiosmtplib to requirements allowed me to run the script without throwing that error: Traceback (most recent call last): ``` File "mailcat.py", line 10, in import aiosmtplib ModuleNotFoundError: No module...
## Use case Alienvault source is no reliable per say, some pulses of specific sources are. It would be relevant to let the choice to the user to ingest either...
## Use case Hello, the request holds in adding x_opencti_create_indicator field option into the docker-compose.yml file as such that the user could decide whether the observable created shall also be...
## Use case As a cyber threat analyst, I require an automation that can enrich a given indicator from the [Onyphe API](https://www.onyphe.io/documentation/api) in the same vein as what is provided...
## Description while using virustotal-livehunt-notifications connector a first bug is raised: ``` Bash ERROR Object of type WhistleBlowerDict is not JSON serializable | timestamp=2024-02-17T21:54:50.926564Z name=VirusTotal Livehunt Notifications exc_info=Traceback (most recent...
## Problem to Solve We'd like to apply an API Rate limit to custom scripts leveraging pycti. As such it would be globally applied to a python script. ## Current...
## Use case Hi there, I followed this post blog to test the new feature enabling the bulk creation of entities from the knowledge panel of intrusion sets or malware...