
Results 4 issues of Qijie0615

These two variations were found in four samples, and when I only used this four-sample vcf to merge, these two variations could be merged into one correctly. However, when I...

In the output, I found out that translocation (BND) are separated into two lines.I want to merge every translocation event into one line. any suggestions? I am using multi SV...

Thanks for this tool! I had the same problem. i try to merge deletion from different tools. i use a new release of version 1.1.5. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/98385159/204225016-0150b5a2-71d5-4b19-8bed-d226c3134f4c.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/98385159/204225036-7505adec-6480-4922-ace9-9525f5ab1e52.png)

Error after running Metasv;can you give me some suggestion? $METASV --pindel_native /bak01/yangqj/pindel/20220116/vcf_format/ps0001/ps0001_* --cnvnator_native /bak01/yangqj/cnvnator/ps0001.call --reference /bak01/yangqj/Metasv/hg19.fa --outdir out --sample ps0001 --filter_gaps --minsvlen 500 --maxsvlen 500000 --disable_assembly --keep_standard_contigs INFO 2022-01-25 16:34:31,082...