No, I am running only with CBA_A3 and ZEN on both the server and the client. I just tried version 1.10 and the issue still persists. You must be testing...
["ParkedVehicle_Turret","Typeof(Car/Truck/Tank/All)"] An additional parked vehicle attribute to be specifically used as a turret so it would spawn with gunner positions (not FFV) only. Ability to set it's type just like...
The dummy mission sounds really interesting and helpful, so I like that. However, since it's a single dummy mission I would only be able to test changes from the "Code"...
Since the mission.sqm in Github doesn't have the player units inserted, wouldn't this mean that in for example my extraction edits, I would have to manually edit the player units...
Here's an example of how I think the new village patrol vehicle variables should look, based on the Vanilla unit classes. With the types of vehicles split this way, the...