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Village patrol spawn recommendations
Towns are very fun and exciting to fight in, however I feel that at the moment they lack a bit of a incentive to go into them besides stealing a few weapons early on if you happen to spawn near a town. If you don't spawn near one, it makes a lot more sense just to head to an ammo base.
I think one way to incentivize players to go into towns would be to add random vehicle patrols in the city, separate from the normal military traffic. These vehicles would stay within the boundaries of the towns and randomly patrol the streets. Players could then try to steal the vehicles in towns with the right plan and gear. Ideally, new entries to unitclasses.sqf filled with just armed vehicles would be made, which I'd be happy to make. However, to save some time, the classnames could be pulled from a3e_arr_ComCenDefence_lightArmorClasses
for small towns and a3e_arr_ComCenDefence_heavyArmorClasses
for larger ones which would work, but wouldn't be so great for variety. Pulling from a3e_arr_Escape_MilitaryTraffic_EnemyVehicleClasses
wouldn't be a good idea since those classes have a lot of unarmed vehicles. It doesn't make sense for those to patrol the towns.
This leads to my next recommendation, related to war torn. While the new village patrol spawning system fixes the two key bugs with the previous version, unfortunately Wartorn mode feels a lot less lively now. The vast majority of the distant gunfights occurred because of the mixed spawning and even the indep squads shooting at each other. It really removes a lot of the atmosphere that playing on wartorn gives, along with the reduced difficulty which helps players.
What I would suggest would be to add a new type of patrol that spawns units of the opposite faction just outside the city that tries to attack the units inside. They will still attack players, but won't be part of the normal random patrols that are re-routed to the players when the players are spotted. Have the number of patrols attacking the city be scaled based on the marker size. Perhaps even have armored vehicles attacking the towns, which would definitely need to have their own variable in unitclasses.sqf since the attacking vehicles would be from any faction, and no current variable is suitable for this. Again, I'd be happy to make these.
Coupled with the village patrol vehicles, towns will now become much more exciting and full of action on Wartorn, and players will have a strong incentive to try to steal a disabled vehicle or try to steal one themselves while it's distracted with the other AI.
Here's an example of how I think the new village patrol vehicle variables should look, based on the Vanilla unit classes. With the types of vehicles split this way, the village patrol vehicles can be spawned in in a few different ways, with one way being going from a higher ratio of more deadly vehicles as the mission time goes on, or have it scaled based on the enemy frequency, or some combination of the two.
// Random array. Vehicles patrolling or attacking villages split into light, medium, and heavy with light being armed cars (MRAPs, technicals, Humvees, etc), medium being armed APCs (wheeled or tracked), and heavy being main battle tanks and armored AA units.
a3e_arr_Escape_VillagePatrolVehicles_light = [
if(Param_UseDLCApex==1) then {
a3e_arr_Escape_MilitaryTraffic_EnemyVehicleClasses pushback "O_LSV_02_unarmed_F";
a3e_arr_Escape_MilitaryTraffic_EnemyVehicleClasses pushback "O_LSV_02_armed_F";
a3e_arr_Escape_MilitaryTraffic_EnemyVehicleClasses pushback "O_LSV_02_AT_F";
a3e_arr_Escape_VillagePatrolVehicles_medium = [
a3e_arr_Escape_VillagePatrolVehicles_heavy = [
if(Param_UseDLCTanks==1) then {
a3e_arr_Escape_MilitaryTraffic_EnemyVehicleClasses pushback "O_MBT_04_cannon_F";
a3e_arr_Escape_MilitaryTraffic_EnemyVehicleClasses pushback "O_MBT_04_command_F";
a3e_arr_Escape_VillagePatrolVehicles_light_IND = [
a3e_arr_Escape_VillagePatrolVehicles_medium_IND = [
if(Param_UseDLCTanks==1) then {
a3e_arr_Escape_MilitaryTraffic_EnemyVehicleClasses_IND pushback "I_LT_01_AA_F";
a3e_arr_Escape_MilitaryTraffic_EnemyVehicleClasses_IND pushback "I_LT_01_AT_F";
a3e_arr_Escape_MilitaryTraffic_EnemyVehicleClasses_IND pushback "I_LT_01_scout_F";
a3e_arr_Escape_MilitaryTraffic_EnemyVehicleClasses_IND pushback "I_LT_01_cannon_F";
a3e_arr_Escape_VillagePatrolVehicles_heavy_IND = [