Quentin Ruhier
Quentin Ruhier
## Describe the bug When a radio/checbboxOne/missing has a selected modality, if you select it again (click/shortcut), it considers that the value changed. - [x] I tested it on the...
## Describe the bug In "loop" component, if you select a missing response (don't know / refusal) , the value is saved but the button does not look "checked". On...
- create a multiple choice question - import a code list (csv) - add a "precise" to any modality (let's say the index X) - visualize : the precise is...
- create a single choice question - import a code list (csv) - save : OK - go back to this question, add a "precise" to any modality - save...
In question with response as number, min/max fields are mandatory. => add * in both labels 
## Describe the bug When we resize a loop (adding/deleting an iteration) , the remaining iterations keep there values, except their missing values - [x] I tested it on the...
## Use Case https://github.com/InseeFr/Drama-Queen/issues/129 ## Feature description "first page requiring a response" : - page requiring a response => in the sense of hasPageResponse() = false - if possible, this...
## Describe the bug When setting a non paginated loop with a fixed value of min/max number of iterations (even if it is defined by an external variable) , controls...