
Results 11 comments of Python1320

I have it fixed at More specifically: and

I am slowly trying out but we are still using luamqtt, but with a 2 second timeout on connect and exponential backoff. A broken MQTT connection is better in...


Luadata is sandboxed and bytecode-whitelisted. The purpose of the whitelist is to make sure the data cannot do infinite loops. How luadata works is it executes the table as lua...

On ours we see them in double. Investigating.

I would love this toolkit to be made more generic such that other places could use it. It took a lot of time to make after all. Kabus has been...

Meta has no custom starfall. I could reproduce the problem intermittently (see below) but I have no idea what is going wrong yet. Could you reproduce the problem in LAN...

Sorry, I did not see this part so it can't be the stream order after all... this will require further investigation.

I tested `SF.WaitForPlayerInit` and it is being called. I made two players rejoin and they get starfall data from a wrong chip. ![image]( On a positive note right after the...