
Results 8 comments of PumpkinXD

> > game insta crashes when i open the pet menu > > For Support please join our discord! [discord.gg/moulberry](discord.gg/moulberry) DC is "partly" blocked in my coutry :

表示用了deepin-wine后steam和codeblocks等应用就不认我设定的dpi缩放了 指针在窗口与桌面之间切换时大小会发生变化 换鼠标样式后指针在桌面时的样式仍是默认样式(在部分窗口的部件上也是默认样式) 不知问题具体出在哪里 ps.deepin-wine是从deepin源直接装的, 系统是kubuntu20.04

> I usually use Chinese for conversation, so I need to use the input method, but I found that I cannot switch the input method in minecraft. After looking up...

> > when to take ICP back? > > 看这架势除非取消Gayhub CDN,要不然估计够呛 只能说是大跨步迈向“道路以目”了

> 我是一个Linux用户,输入错了要删除的话输入法内和游戏内已经输入的文字都会被删除 (x11下)输入框已输入字符和候选词同时被删这个可以考虑用cocoainput的高版本解决 不过全屏下显示输入法候选词显示估计还得有人去查一查x11文档(不清楚是否需要查wayland文档,但印象中lwjgl2/3现在都是xorg/xwayland)和Mac相关文档才行 --- win32下有ImmGetCandidateListA和ImmGetCandidateListW可以拿到候选词 但x11下似乎找不到对应的api (不清楚XGetICValues有没有能拿到候选词的参,也不清楚能不能用XSetICValues让x11的输入法在mc全屏的情况下显示) Mac我就更不清楚了


same issue but nvidia 2060(driver: 550.67) + fedora 40 and adding ``` ro.hardware.gralloc=default ro.hardware.egl=swiftshader ``` doesn't work for me and tried to install older images and still not working(icon still...

kubuntu 20.04.3LTS ![pic](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/54535387/141387929-f01440ab-36e4-49ee-9b95-9eac4ea30fd1.png)