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Jsdelivr have been DNS pollution and SNI block again in China. They are pointed to google, twitter and facebook IPs.

Open DreamOfIce opened this issue 2 years ago • 90 comments

Jsdelivr has been block again in China. Some places are polluted by DNS and are resolved to the IP of websites such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. Although other places can be resolved to the correct IP, they are reset by GWF during the TLS handshake and still inaccessible. But fortunately, fastly.jsdelivr.net is not polluted at present. This is a ping test for cdn.jsdelivr.net : ping

Test link

Affected jsDelivr links All jsdelivr links are affected, and a large number of websites cannot be accessed normally in China.

Please complete the following information:

  • Device OS: Windows
  • Browser: chrome
  • Browser version: 101.0
  • VPN provider if you use one:
  • Your location (country):China

Additional context

  • Some of the content (including this sentence) is machine translated and may not be smooth.
  • Personal advice: use a separate domain name to provide github CDN in China. Redirect all requests to Github resources from China. Because there are many npm mirrors in China, but there is almost no public Github resource acceleration...other domains that provide Github mirrors are polluted in China.
  • I will continue to pay attention and provide the latest progress of this matter. If you have any questions, please discuss with me.
  • Finally, thanks to jsdelivr for the excellent service provided to Chinese users(^o^)

DreamOfIce avatar May 16 '22 12:05 DreamOfIce

I had the same problem. I used LightProxy for forwarding, currently working normally. ^https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/*** https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/$1

webPpei avatar May 17 '22 01:05 webPpei

curl https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/css/font-awesome.min.css 是的国内已无法访问

seedc avatar May 17 '22 03:05 seedc

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't,Just like what happened when Google *** of China,

fschenkun22 avatar May 17 '22 05:05 fschenkun22


DreamOfIce avatar May 17 '22 06:05 DreamOfIce

Update on 20:55,May 17th(UTC+8) cdn.jsdelivr.net is still in pollution. cdn.jsdelivr.net But fastly.jsdelivr.net is still available in China . fastly.jsdelivr.net

DreamOfIce avatar May 17 '22 13:05 DreamOfIce

Update on 20:55,May 17th(UTC+8) cdn.jsdelivr.net is still in pollution. cdn.jsdelivr.net But fastly.jsdelivr.net is still available in China . fastly.jsdelivr.net

seems like you attached the same ping result "cdn.jsdelivr.net" twice, the right one for fastly should be fastly jsdelivr net_多地Ping值测试

itsHenry35 avatar May 17 '22 14:05 itsHenry35


看起来你附上了两次相同的ping结果“cdn.jsdelivr.net”,正确的一个应该是 fastly jsdelivr net_多地Ping值测试

it’s my wrong.I edited it.

DreamOfIce avatar May 18 '22 00:05 DreamOfIce

When will it work properly

lxz946786639 avatar May 18 '22 01:05 lxz946786639

  • 1

theajack avatar May 18 '22 02:05 theajack

When can it be solved

D-Sketon avatar May 18 '22 04:05 D-Sketon

Root url is SNI blocked. Change resolve ip with hosts file will not work. Seems like this is the final decision. Alternative mirrors are still available yet though.

eebssk1 avatar May 18 '22 04:05 eebssk1

It has come again T_T

ersrohu avatar May 18 '22 04:05 ersrohu

me too.

canney-chen avatar May 18 '22 05:05 canney-chen

@canney-chen It seems to be solved. https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/jquery.min.js

esofar avatar May 18 '22 05:05 esofar

For Chinese users: 自动检查 cdn.jsdelivr.net 是否可用, 如果不可用时,会自动把所有 js, css, image 的地址切换到其他可用的域名的脚本。 https://github.com/PipecraftNet/jsdelivr-auto-fallback

PipecraftNet avatar May 18 '22 06:05 PipecraftNet

@PipecraftNet 非常好用,非常感谢

yulinzhihou avatar May 18 '22 08:05 yulinzhihou

yes, me too.

kingc2022 avatar May 19 '22 03:05 kingc2022

when to take ICP back?

Lemonawa avatar May 19 '22 05:05 Lemonawa

Update at 4:40p.m. May 19th. DNS pollution continues 5.19

DreamOfIce avatar May 19 '22 08:05 DreamOfIce

when to take ICP back?

看这架势除非取消Gayhub CDN,要不然估计够呛

DreamOfIce avatar May 19 '22 08:05 DreamOfIce

when to take ICP back?

看这架势除非取消Gayhub CDN,要不然估计够呛


PumpkinXD avatar May 19 '22 10:05 PumpkinXD

Update at 19:15 p.m., 19th May, DNS pollution still continues. >_< cdn jsdelivr net_多地Ping值测试

ersrohu avatar May 19 '22 11:05 ersrohu


89trillion-feiyang avatar May 20 '22 03:05 89trillion-feiyang

when it can be fixed ? fuck

code-anan avatar May 21 '22 08:05 code-anan

Update on 7:10p.m. May 21st.The pollution still continues. fastly.jsdelivr.net still available. cdn.jsdelivr.net-ping

DreamOfIce avatar May 21 '22 11:05 DreamOfIce

Unfortunately there isn't anything we can do about it. We maintained a China specific block list but it still wasn't enough apparently. If someone knows how to contact the relevant Chinese organs to discuss the unban of the service please let us know.

In the meantime you can try a service like https://github.com/PipecraftNet/jsdelivr-auto-fallback

jimaek avatar May 21 '22 16:05 jimaek

I test jsdelivr DSN today (5.22) and it works.😆

gp868 avatar May 22 '22 01:05 gp868

I used to plan to use SMMS or 路过图床.

gp868 avatar May 22 '22 01:05 gp868

I test jsdelivr DSN today (5.22) and it works.😆

However, fastly seems to be more stable in the mainland. I had converted cdn to fastly for my live2d js.

huangwb8 avatar May 22 '22 01:05 huangwb8

I test jsdelivr DSN today (5.22) and it works.😆

But it doesn’t work in most places of China:-( cdn.jsdelivr.net still points to Twitter, Facebook and other blocked IPs.

DreamOfIce avatar May 22 '22 02:05 DreamOfIce