
Results 11 comments of Privacy_Dragon

Hmm,Yesterday I first tried again, but then there wasn't any problem. Strange? But next time it happens I'll try that.

Hmm..... Whit what OS version? I was able to reproduce it in CEmu...

1. have a program that will crash the calculator [here]( 2. do 6 times the calculation: 123456789*55 3. Backup using on+8 4. run the program "BJA"

Nice! Thank you! Are you going to create a way of creating filters in tut or not? Even only applying them is already very good.

You can create a .desktop file of the program you want to use. I can give an example in an hour. (I just woke up ;-))

* create a file called PROGRAMNAME.desktop in ~/.local/share/applications * Put this text in the file, where you replace the stuff in caps for that what you need. ``` [Desktop Entry]...

## What I did * Go to the settings in the standard web client of Mastodon (So just the website of the Masto sever.) * Set a filter for the...

I will try. Thanks for pointing out where the image is located in the code.

Well, OpenSuse Leap 15.1 won't be supported in a certain amount of time or something like that (According to my father), so I have to update to Leap 15.2 somewhere...

Hmmm. I think the problem is with the usb-hub. I found an article online about something called 'backfeeding', which much cheap usb-hubs do. Since I have a cheap one, I...