
Results 13 issues of PrashantKT

This allows user to directly set Localised label or button from storyboard. by just setting the class name. with two parameters table and key. Hope it may helpful to others

Hi There Your example with in py file is working great I have one question - Can we integrate this library ? Please suggest

Is it possible to get depth (z position) of the detected object without user tap ?

I have written following line in view did load method of left menu vc ``` let indexPath = IndexPath(row: 0, section: 0); self.tableView.selectRow(at: indexPath, animated: false, scrollPosition: UITableView.ScrollPosition.none) self.tableView(self.tableView, didSelectRowAt:...

is it possible to show Right icon (✓ ) icon after activity indicator stops ?

As you have mentioned already in WallNode.swift. ``` node.eulerAngles = SCNVector3(0, -atan2(to.x - node.position.x, from.z - node.position.z) - Float.pi * 0.5, 0) ``` ``` // orientation of the wall is...

I am passing ``` let stringToPass = "AUTHTOKEN=\(AppGlobalManager.sharedManager.currentUser?.data?.first?.customerAuthToken ?? ""),APIKEY=\(Constants.APIConstants.RequestKeys.APIKEY_Val),APIVERSION=\(Constants.APIConstants.RequestKeys.APIVERSION_Val),LANGUAGE_ID=\(Localize.currentLanguage())" UnityPostMessage("NATIVE_CALL", "CallNative_iOS", stringToPass) ``` It will change the Unity View but it is not showing first time When Again I...

Is there a way to draw line in different colours ? Please help

Hey This is awesome library Can we have fade in animation for Left menu ?

Hi @nicklockwood I want to implement real time color the collided mesh , I have checked stencil operation but it takes time to compute , is there any to make...