@Clark-Lin Are . you able to find the solution. I am searching same for android and ios
> @shubhwicked @msk4862 @HalfdanJ did you find any solution for this? Yes You can modify shaders
Hi @danielepanozzo I am new with this library - I want to use in my project (Mac + Xcode) for deformation I have obj and stl files - I wonder...
See this
Remove the constraints unlike demo, Try to add unity view with setFrame
@piotrdebosz Could you please help me with wikitude I am not able to do with scripting so i manullay copy paste library , classes folder and as you suggest data...
I faced similar issue I have removed the constraints for Unity View ``` if let viewController = UnityGetGLViewController(), let unityView = viewController.view { AppDelegate.sharedDelegate.window?.insertSubview(unityView, at: 0) unityView.frame = UIScreen.main.bounds AppDelegate.sharedDelegate.window?.bringSubview(toFront:...
May be it is helpful to you
It looks like you are trying to run in simulator ?
Are you sure that your code is executing ? `let unityView = UnityGetGLView()` and also try to remove constraint and set by frame