
Results 9 issues of Jeremy

**Setup (always fill this in):** - iOS or Android? Both - Expo or regular React Native? regular React Native - React Native Version: 0.66.4 - `react-native-activity-feed` or `expo-activity-feed` version: react-native-activity-feed...

I am a react native developer and currently working on an ios native project. I don't want to use CoreData or Realm. So is it possible to use this library...

**Feature** basically for now the function `FilesSystem.fetch` only allow download file in foreground execution. I want it support background execution or even the app is suspended. **Motivation** the URLSession has...


**Environment:** - OS: macOS 14.2.1 (23C71) - qView version: 6.1 **Information:** I browse an image folder that mount to MacOS Finder like a WebDAV server. Then crash happens ![Screenshot 2024-01-07...


![Screenshot_20211112-095627_audioLevel]( ``` import LiveAudioStream from 'react-native-live-audio-stream'; const options = { sampleRate: 32000, // default is 44100 but 32000 is adequate for accurate voice recognition channels: 1, // 1 or 2,...