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PSArm is a PowerShell module that provides a PowerShell-embedded domain-specific language (DSL) for Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates
It should be possible to declare multiple templates in PSArm and relate them by a depends-on relationship, so that templates can compose and be built/deployed in the correct order. This...
Although having generated ARM templates as an IR can help shed light on the functioning of PSArm features, integrating with [ARM's WhatIf functionality]( would make this nicer to use
Provide a way to reference existing resources by ID and have the details of that resource brought in from Azure for the purposes of dependency handling. This would be really...
Ideally an ARM template with limited expressions such as what is output from the Azure Portal "download a template for automation" would be supported to be converted to the PSArm...
As the ARM team made Bicep Public it would make sense to make this repo public soon as well or do you want to wait until a more featured v0.1...
Whilst this is a far out request, I would love to see PSARM have an integration point to DSC (or better yet the Azure Policy/Guest Configuration engines - one for...
PowerShell has function definition as a natural concept for code reuse. ARM also has functions, but they are evaluated at deployment. We should investigate to what extent we can use...
There's no strong reason to require that all resources be named, since PSArm can take a resource definition and pass it around as a variable reference. With that in mind,...
PSArm should strive to provide static feedback on templates as the user writes them, rather than just at generation time. This would be best achieved by it shipping its own...
PSArm should check templates for validity at generation time, for example attempting to validate that all elements supplied to `Concat` can be concatted... Template elements and functions should ideally have...