The first commit "Correct russian and make folders first": 1. Fixed errors in Russian translations, add commas, remove some capital letters. 2. Change neat.js, so that the foders are shown...
This line is a cause of my error in _wait_for_job(jobid) function modelseed.py file: jobs = ms_client.call('CheckJobs', {}) While trying to get model from ModelSeed via API http://p3.theseed.org/services/ProbModelSEED/ (http://modelseed.org/about/version) I've got...
I've got a error in shiftGAlignmentsList(gal) : is(gal, "GAlignmentsList") is not TRUE As far as I understand, that's because `readBamFile` has a parameter `asMates=FALSE` and, at this case, `readBamFile` generates...