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A modular game engine written in Rust

Results 95 piston issues
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Hi, I'm just getting started with Rust and Piston, but it seems like I already run into an issue. I figured out that I can poll events to get button...

The documentation says > `draw_state` draw state, `draw_state::Default::default()` can be used as a default, It should be `draw_state::DrawState::default()` https://docs.piston.rs/piston_window/graphics/rectangle/struct.Rectangle.html#method.draw

Looking around our repos, there are lots of long-living repos some of which are written in 2015 edition style. I think we can improve them by adapting to the newer...


I am trying to run the getting-started example with the spinning square and I can see a window flashing and then the app crashes and prints: ``` libEGL warning: DRI2:...

If you navigate here: https://travis-ci.org/github/PistonDevelopers/piston > Since June 15th, 2021, the building on travis-ci.org is ceased. Please use travis-ci.com from now on. This project will need to migrate to either...

Since rust nightly has support asmjs and wasm, maybe It's possible that we can use piston to write web game in the soon future.


Are there chat forums such as Discord out there for Piston?

I've just added the line `.fullscreen(true)` from [Getting Started Spinning Square](https://github.com/PistonDevelopers/Piston-Tutorials/tree/master/getting-started). But it shows a fullscreen white window and the app was crashed when launches this or clicks the window....

- [x] Api (stabilized in piston-graphics_api_version) - [x] UnsupportedGraphicsApiError (stabilized in piston-graphics_api_version) - [x] ProcAddress - [x] Size - [x] Size::width - [x] Size::height - [ ] Position - [...


I am fairly new to rust programming. Also this is the first time i am trying to use piston. I tried to use the following example code (the code found...