
Results 147 comments of Pirulax

Do this (like in the CVector class): ```cpp abs(vec.z) - abs(groundposz) >= FLOAT_EPSILON ``` This is totally acceptable, as `float epsilon` is a thing in CS

`plugin-sdk` has a few functions meant for this exact purpose, those could've been used (`CallMethod`, etc..), it would've looked nicer, but still, good job!

Time to merge this. @Lpsd address the comments, and I'll merge it. I hope you've tested it (But there's really nothing not to work, so)

Hello! You can use `setElementCollisionEnabled`. Before the call to `processLOS` set it to false for all entities to be ignored (after enable it all back). This is what the PR...

Yes, you are right, excuse me. My bad. I only read the first line, and your comment, and thought he just wants a way to ignore more elements (Which is...

Okay. So from my understanding if `checkElements` is given, only those should be checked, right? The issue is that default GTA map objects aren't MTA elements, so you don't really...

Well, then hire someone from the team to do it, if it's that urgent for you. Money is always a good motivation IMHO. _I don't represent the team's stance on...

Well, I'd recommend you: ```git git checkout master -- source/game_sa/CPlaneTrail.cpp source/game_sa/CPlaneTrail.h ``` (Reset files) This way you wont have any merge conflicts

I'd suggest you not to refactor existing code in this PR. I saw it's on the todo list.