Pieter Huybrechts
Pieter Huybrechts
Can we go ahead and add the funders without years?
Current status: ``` r # Direct dependencies tools::package_dependencies("bioRad") #> $bioRad #> [1] "assertthat" "curl" "dplyr" "fields" "frictionless" #> [6] "ggplot2" "glue" "graphics" "jsonlite" "lubridate" #> [11] "lutz" "methods" "raster" "readr"...
I had a quick look at how much work this would be, i think the `stopifnot()` assertations can pretty easily be replaced, we'll probably need to be a bit more...
I've started a [branch](https://github.com/adokter/bioRad/tree/improve-error-test-coverage) where we can improve code coverage for the messages first, as some are untested. In a second PR/branch we can then replace the current error messaging...
@peterdesmet Can this be closed as completed in #558 and #564 ?
We could consider using the rOpenSci github action for `pkgcheck` to check on our current status: https://docs.ropensci.org/pkgcheck/ I've generated a report locally and I'll include it below: ## Checks for...
> "the angle between the animal and the centre line of the camera's field of view" This description reminds me of [azimuth ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azimuth) and [relative bearing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bearing_(angle)#Relative)
I don't mind the trailing comma's personally, although their purpose can raise question marks . In any case, the error is currently quite confusing
I'm struggeling because `append()` is not an S3 generic: ``` > sloop::is_s3_generic("append") [1] FALSE ``` Thus creating a method for it is not as strait forward as it was for...
The answer might be here: https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/methods/html/Methods_for_Nongenerics.html Or here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66811606/how-to-override-the-implementation-of-a-non-generic-function-in-r