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Use Markdown for function documentation?
I didn't know this, but you can use Markdown in addition to Roxygen syntax for function document:, by adding to DESCRIPTION
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
It would allow for less verbose documentation, e.g.:
#' Plot a vertical profile (`vp`)
#' @param x A `vp` class object.
#' @param quantity Character string with the quantity to plot. See
#' \link[=summary.vp]{vp} for list of available quantities.
#' - Aerial density related: `dens`, `eta`, `dbz`, `DBZH` for density,
#' reflectivity, reflectivity factor and total reflectivity factor,
#' respectively.
#' - Ground speed related: `ff` ,`dd`, for ground speed and direction,
#' respectively.
#' @param xlab A title for the x axis.
#' @param ylab A title for the y axis.
#' @param line_col Color of the plotted curve.
#' @param line_lwd Line width of the plotted curve.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to the low level
#' \link[graphics]{plot} plotting function.
#' @param line.col Deprecated argument, use line_col instead.
#' @param line.lwd Deprecated argument, use line_lwd instead.
Instead of the current:
More or less getting rid of all the \something{text}
which is easier to write and read. We could tackle this on a function by function basis if we update these.
See also:
- Regular Roxygen documentation guidelines:
- Tidyverse Roxygen documentation guidelines:
One change is e.g. \link[ggmap]{get_map}
to \code{ggmap::get_map()} (does not require Markdown enabled).
I plan to set this up tomorrow.
@peterdesmet Can this be closed as completed in #558 and #564 ?