bioRad copied to clipboard
add funders to documentation
add all funders who have contributed to the project
Please complete this list:
- GLOBAM US - Belmont Forum (NSF ICER 1927743)
- GLOBAM EU partners (BioDIVERSA, including the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF 31BD30_184120), Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BelSPO BR/185/A1/GloBAM-BE), Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO E10008), Academy of Finland (aka 326315))
- ENRAM (Cost action ES1305)
- National Science Foundation, Dark ecology (NSF ABI DBI 1661259)
- National Science Foundation, Macrodemography (NSF DEB 2017817)
- Bird avoidance system (BAS), Royal Netherlands Airforce
- Flysafe, European space agency (ESA)
- Flysafe 2, Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF)
- Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) as part of the Belgian contribution to LifeWatch
@jshamoun @peterdesmet anything missing from list above for funders who contributed to bioRad development?
I've added LifeWatch. And for GloBAM, you could use the statement from the website which lists US and EU:
This project is funded through the 2017-2018 Belmont Forum and BiodivERsA joint call for research proposals, under the BiodivScen ERA-Net COFUND programme, and with the funding organisations Swiss National Science Foundation (
SNF 31BD30_184120
), Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BelSPO BR/185/A1/GloBAM-BE
), Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO E10008
), Academy of Finland (aka 326315
) and National Science Foundation (NSF 1927743
Meanwhile, I'm figuring out if it is 31BD20_184120
or 31BD30_184120
for Switzerland.
The correct one is 31BD30_184120, updated above.
Should I add the funders as listed above to README.Rmd?
Yes that works, should/can we add which years of support each provided? Or keep it simple and leave that out?
Adding years might make it complicated and would require regular updates.
ok let's hold off on that then
Can we go ahead and add the funders without years?