Pierre Smits
Pierre Smits
Move 3rd party Fintech integration configuration for Cybersource from initialisation configuration to runtime configuration. Modified: - payment.properties: removed Cybersource configuration aspects - AccountingSystemPropertiesData.xml: Cybersource configuration aspects - icsPaymentServices.java: switched from...
The CommonRequestDecorator screen has the title and the action menu for users with CREATE and/or UPDATE permissions in the decorator section for the body of a request screen. To improve...
Currently, a user with only 'VIEW' permissions, as demonstrated in trunk demo with userId = auditor, accessing the Product Roles screen, sees editable fields and/or triggers (to requests) reserved for...
Currently, a user with only 'VIEW' permissions, as demonstrated in trunk demo with userId = auditor, accessing the Catalog Stores screen, sees editable fields and/or triggers (to requests) reserved for...
Currently, a user with only 'VIEW' permissions, as demonstrated in trunk demo with userId = auditor, accessing the Terms screen of a billing account, sees editable fields and/or triggers (to...
Currently, a user with only 'VIEW' permissions, as demonstrated in trunk demo with userId = auditor, accessing the Routing screen, sees editable fields and/or triggers (to requests) reserved for users...
Currently the Find Tax Authority screen shows a paginated overview of tax authorities without any filter capabilities. modified: TaxAuthorityScreens.xml added elements for search and find capabilities TaxAuthorityForms.xml added form for...
Currently, a user with only 'VIEW' permissions, as demonstrated in trunk demo with userId = auditor, accessing the Agreement Roles screen, sees editable fields and/or triggers (to requests) reserved for...
modified: ModelEntity.java - adding fields for auditing/investigating record creation and modification by default to entities when OFBiz is initialised: * createdDate * createdByUserLogin * lastModifiedDate * lastModifiedByUserLogin
With the change to the PartyRole entity improved/changed: - AgreementServices.groovy: added function to update AgreementRole (or create if needed) - services-agreement.xml: added expireAgreementRole, replaced updateAgreementRole, cleanup - controler.xml in accounting:...