Filippo Vicentini

Results 117 issues of Filippo Vicentini

To be added by @willmcgugan I have recently been playing with extending the `DirectoryTreeView` and adding live-refresh capabilities with `watchdog`, and I realised that while it's possible to add new...

This PR is a re-exhumation of #835, and most of the credit goes to @tkf . An internal package `PyPreferences.jl` exposes a simple API (`use_system()`, `use_conda()`) to set the current...

I have set the following env variables ``` export PYCALL_JL_RUNTIME_PYTHON=$(which python) export PYTHON=$(which python) ``` python is installed through Pyenv, and i use it through a virtual environment ``` Ricerca/Scratch/PyJl...

I would like to take an arbitrary flax Module containing arbitrary complex `params` and convert it to a module that only has real `params`(real and imaginary part), but when applied...

Hello, Judging from the source code of VexCL there is no support for complex numbers. I've got some Stocastic Differential Equation (Monte Carlo) solvers implemented in C++ that I would...

Hello, I'm the Lead developer of [netket](, a jax-based framework for using Machine-Learning techiques to study quantum systems (open and closed). We are finalising the next release and as I...


It would be great to add a flag to drivers, like `...checkpoint=True`, which automatically serialised state of the optimiser, state and everything's that's needed while the simulation runs. Moreover, if...

contributor welcome

numpy.sqrt() was not a weak type and was promoting float32 networks to float64 in some cases. @inailuig if you have some time at some point I'd love if you could...

Running TDVP on GPUs sometimes hangs during the first iteration with no calculations being done. I saw this only happening on older CUDA versions (11.1) on izar cluster. Locally can't...


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contributor welcome