> It needs mode 2+3+5+6 For the game to work or for the glitch @10522 mentioned?
I tried to play the Black Pearl stage of mission mode and it hangs after the first fight but with the wind sound still playing, i reset and tried again...
Tested again with the latest beta (1956) and it takes about 12 or more loading/transitions for the game to freeze, i tried every mode and the pettern is the same...
@AKuHAK OPL Beta 2045: on USB i lasted about 2 hours before freezing, on SMB i didn't last that long thought
@AKuHAK Played now on the latest beta (2048) via USB and since i'm stuck on a level in Mission Mode i have to re-start the level alot the game freezer...
@AkuHAK could you tell krat0s if he can look up into this issue? I just tried this game on PS2ESDL and it loads all the FMVs (some of them, mainly...
> > could you tell krat0s if he can look up into this issue? > > there is a workaround from krat0s: use debug version of opl to get around...
@10522 already tried and they're still the same.
@AKuHAK i tested these games on PCSX2 emulator, these are the logs i saved Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell [SLUS_206.52] Freezes after loading the credits five or six times [log SC...
I'm afraid my laptop can't handle more recent PCSX2 versions