You can kinda hack this by changing the key of the PieChart. Unfortunately, the chart will animate from the default position and not from where the values currently are.
What if you placed a limit on the menu size? Say limit the menu to 300 - I'm pretty sure few people scroll that far down - and then only...
I like the first option, it clearly shows the current filter state. Unfortunately, it makes the search bar header a bit busier - I’m ok with that though. If it...
The alignment widget works quite well to position the emitter position. ``` Align( alignment: Alignment.topCenter, child: ConfettiWidget( ... ), ) ```
Mainly for separation of concerns. The current project I'm working on might have 10+ flavors and I feel like it'll clutter the pubspec.yaml up quite a bit. The project already...
The issue with injecting auto_route into DI (get_it) is that you can't pop from a nested route. Navigating to a nested page (a page within `BottomNavigationBar`) with ``` getIt().push(const ScreenHome()));...
If the icon can be made an SVG you can add it to a font. After doing this you'll be able to add the custom icon, `CustomIcons.trash`, to the `IconData`...
Have you tried: ``` SlidableAction( autoClose: false, onPressed: (context) { final controller = Slidable.of(context); controller?.dismiss( ResizeRequest(const Duration(milliseconds: 300), () => {}), duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 300), ); }, backgroundColor: theme.colorScheme.error, foregroundColor:...