Peteris Erins

Results 31 issues of Peteris Erins

Hi There, Thanks for building the library! Wanted to check if CSS variables (e.g., `var(--background-color)`) are already supported?

### Version Information * vyper Version (output of `vyper --version`): `latest` ### What's your issue about? Vyper `source_map` argument currently only provides the runtime contract source map by default. In...

help wanted
Easy Pickings

### Summary of the problem Issues running manticore on a very simple contract. ### Manticore version Manticore 0.3.6 ### Python version 3.9 ### OS / Environment Mac OS X 11.2.2...


Are there any plans to add a similar database for event signatures?


Jest seems to have good support for promises with assertions:, which may be useful to provide.

What is the idiomatic approach for testing subscriptions? It seems that the `client.execute` option in `graphene.test` is more appropriate for `Query` testing. P.S. There is a subscription execution example in...

✨ enhancement

* py-evm Version: 0.3.0a19 * OS: osx * Python Version (python --version): 3.7 * Environment (output of `pip freeze`): Pip freeze output ``` aniso8601==7.0.0 appdirs==1.4.4 appnope==0.1.0 argon2-cffi==20.1.0 asttokens==2.0.3 async-generator==1.10 attrdict==2.0.1...

Apologies if this is not the best place for feature requests :). **🧐 Motivation** At, we need an enumerable map to maintain a list of keepers. This enumerable map...

The call contract response from starknet.js returns an array of strings: ```typescript export type CallContractResponse = { result: string[]; }; ``` However, the corresponding type in `starknet-react` is an...

Type: bug
Difficulty: easy
Context: isolated
Duration: under a day
State: open
Techno: js