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CSS Variables
Hi There,
Thanks for building the library!
Wanted to check if CSS variables (e.g., var(--background-color)
) are already supported?
I don't know how useful it is, the goal of using a css-in-js lib is to use the language variables.
@giraud Thanks for the response.
You're absolutely right, but the thing I would like to map my Reason color template variable to would be the corresponding CSS variable. That way I still retain all the readability/fixability benefits when editing the website in the browser.
This is what I get right now in Chrome: (built using unsafe
Also in dev tools, when looking at a specific element:
It's definitely not a big pain point at all though, I could define my own function for it.
I understand, PR is welcome. I don't have time to work on it.
Of course. I'm probably too early into Reason right now to manage it. Seems to require an overhaul of the types, because var
s can annoyingly serve both as properties and values. Could be undesirable from the perspective that it would affect type-checking for everything else.
Hello @Pet3ris, I also have the same case, but i got some idea, my solution is creating reason module (global) which contains a global style. Here's my ex:
/* expect */
:root {
/* Colors */
--opacity: 0.7;
--primary-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .97);
--secondary-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .64);
/* */
module Style = {
type generic0('a) = ('a);
type generic2('a, 'b) = ('a, 'a, 'a, 'b);
type bg =
| RGB;
type rgbColor = {
rgb0: int,
rgb1: int,
rgb2: int,
type rgbaColor = {
rgba0: int,
rgba1: int,
rgba2: int,
rgba3: float,
/* give a string because array can't -> 'a 'b */
let variantColor = (bg_type, context:array(string)) => {
switch bg_type {
| RGBA => [| context[0], context[1], context[2], context[3] |]
| RGB => [| context[0], context[1], context[2] |];
let root__background: generic0(float) = 0.7;
let valprimaryColor = variantColor(RGB, [| "0", "0", "3" |]);
let root__primaryColor = {
rgb0: int_of_string(valprimaryColor[0]),
rgb1: int_of_string(valprimaryColor[1]),
rgb2: int_of_string(valprimaryColor[2]),
And i import this module in my component */
open RootStyles.Style;
module Styles = {
open Css;
let someComponent = style([