Emily Price
Emily Price
I think the list of things to do is: 1. Change Travis credentials (PyPi and API key) to mine 2. Delete my fork of the repository 3. Transfer the main...
Travis doesn't expose encrypted environment variables to pull requests from other branches so I had to create a new branch in this repository. This successfully used my API key to...
Based on this I am confident that switching to my PyPi credentials will work. @jacobtomlinson I will now delete my fork. When you are ready please transfer ownership of the...
I have replaced your credentials with my own in Travis. The only remaining step is to remove you from the PyPi and ReadTheDocs owners lists.
I did not know this, thanks for letting me know! I will need to have a look through the documentation for the new API and decide what to do.
`forecast.future()` provides functionality to get the forecast for a point in the future, given by the number of days, hours etc. in the future. I think the best thing to...
Removed argument in #171. Parameter is still required for calling the API for some reason
Maybe `responses` can help with this https://github.com/getsentry/responses